Why would you read an article about hiring a wellness coach? Aren’t I, a wellness coach, being self-serving? Maybe I’m masking my desire to acquire new clients by writing an “educational” blog post? Maybe. But maybe my greatest desire is to help everyone be as well as possible whether it’s with me or not.
But what does my motivation for making myself write a blog post matter? What matters is you are as healthy as you can possibly be under your current life circumstances so that you can accomplish whatever it is you were put on this earth to do.
If you haven’t been able to reach your wellness goals by yourself in a year, it’s time to reach out to the wellness community. Life is short and time flies. I would not have accomplished any of my wellness goals without seeking professional help – wellness coaches, chiropractors, cranial sacral therapists, energy work, massage, counseling. That’s the truth! Check the contacts in my phone and you will see an entire village of health and wellness professionals programmed in.
Why don’t we just ask a few wise folks who realized they needed help? Kristy, a full time high school teacher and single mom, has continued to find ways to stay active and improve her family’s nutrition through multiple injuries and difficult life circumstances in 2016. She hired a wellness coach in January after attending a wellness retreat hosted by REAL Wellness Coaching. More retreat information here
Kristy says, “I was at a point in my life that I felt like I needed to get more balance so I thought that, from what Renee seems to represent, wellness coaching is all those things that are important to me including the spiritual side of me and obviously fitness.” To hear all her commentary, watch the short You Tube video posted.
Matt, a general manager of a restaurant and grandfather who survived a stroke two years ago, lost 26 pounds in two months after partnering with a wellness coach. In an e-mail update to me, he writes “Last week I swam three times and walked once. My three swims were working up to 750 yards. So, 650, 700, and 750. Slowly working to 1000 yards per swim. Today I am beginning to feel better, mowed yard, did all the rest landscaping, walked and ran (ran just 1/2 mile) and swam my 850 yards. I have been careful but not perfect about my food for the week. I also worked only 4 days instead of 5 or more. I’m not weighing myself until our next appointment on the 20th. Just mainly trying to stick to my beginning plan. I see the importance of knowing I need to report to you on progress or lack of it. You can be sure I need the accountability at this time. So glad you are helping me. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.”
Sara, a successful sales professional who recently married, hired a wellness coach as a personal trainer to look her best on her wedding day. “At first I didn’t recognize all the ways Renée could help me. I started seeing her regularly to get some last-minute wedding prep in. Through our visits, I realized she brings a lot of value to my health. I love having a professional that will answer my questions or do the needed research in order to answer questions. I also love the accountability to make me develop a routine. She pushes me but doesn’t overwhelm and I think that’s essential when dealing with a “non-exerciser” like me!”
See Sara’s complete review on my Facebook business page
Sara continues to see her personal trainer every week so that she is as healthy as possible when she and her new husband decide to have kiddos. Her husband sees the value and is also meeting with the wellness coach. He has his own reasons.
We all have our reasons. Our excuses. Our obstacles. With whom do you need to connect to overcome yours?